January 2023 marked the 30th anniversary of the EU Single Market. The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) in the European Parliament adopted a new motion for a resolution to address new challenges. This draft resolution stresses the importance of more circularity in the Single Market and the essential role of public procurement in the transition towards a sustainable and circular economy. Once again, there is also a focus on the removal of unjustified barriers for the free movement of professionals, including an appeal to the European Commission to pursue infringement procedures where Member States do not comply with EU legislation on the recognition of qualifications.
More information on the draft resolution and on the celebration of the anniversary of the Single Market can be found under this link.
You can also access information concerning EU Single Market events and initiatives on the newly created websites here. Some upcoming events to look out for include exhibitions from April 2023, the Hannover Messe from 17-21 April and the Single Market Forum in May 2023.