On 17 November, the Croatian Chamber of Engineers (HKIG) hosted the ECEC General Assembly, which took place at the premises of the Palace Hotel in Zagreb, Croatia.
President Remec gave an overview of his activities for ECEC in the past period (2016-2018), while Secretary General Thürriedl revised the European Developments in 2016-2018.
As the quality of procurement procedures depends on a good implementation of legal requirements by public procuring authorities the ECEC WG Public Procurement for Engineering Services has decided to prepare a practical support guideline for procuring authorities/politicians. Hansjörg Letzner, Chairman of the WG PP, presented the finalized position paper "Public Procurement of Engineering Services - Fair procedures ensure successful projects", as the outcome of the WG Meetings. It is divided in three chapters: -The definition of quality criteria, - How to guarantee fair evaluation, - Price assessment.The paper can be downloaded here.
Vladimir Benko, Chairman of the WG BIM together with Klaus Thürriedl presented the policy paper "BIM for Politicians - ECEC Statement on Building Information Modelling", which provides a basic overview on the basic requirements for the use of BIM in engineering projects. Due to the increasing use of BIM and the fact that it is a chance but also a challenge for the Engineering profession, the ECEC had to react on the developments and will further follow up on this matter. Download the paper here.
Further, the ECEC Manifesto on the upcoming EP Elections has been presented. It is a mean to transport the ECEC ideas to candidates, to other politicians and the public in a very comprehensive way.
It is focused on three topics: The necessity for adequate professional regulation, for fair procurement procedures and for a fair use of BIM.
The ECEC also welcomed a new associated member: The Ukrainian Council of Civil Engineers (UCCE), which was approved unanimously by the General Assembly.
The next General Assembly meeting will be taking place in Spring 2019 in Ljubljana, coupled with the World Construction Forum, where the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers (IZS) is one of the main organizers.
ECEC Members can download all GAM Materials in the members area of ecec.net.
For outcome of elections please see the article below.