Continuous professional expert statements on relevant Engineering matters as a basis for lobbying and awareness-raising
The ECEC continuously promotes new initiatives and projects, one of the most important being the European Green Deal and a general advancement of building culture towards sustainable development.
In this sense, the ECEC is releasing expert opinions on education, professional regulations and procedures surrounding engineering services.
The ECEC aims at enhancing fair remuneration, observing the use of the BIM and its application and establishing working groups for the relevant professional topics.
Professional lobbying on the European and national level in the public interest
Representation of Engineers Chambers is of utmost importance of the ECEC, this is done on location in Brussels. To achieve this, the ECEC is in direct contact and cooperation with other institutions, especially EU institutions such as the European Economic and Social Committee.
By participating in multiple events and meetings throughout Europe, communication can be upheld and soft skills training as well as the transfer of knowledge to decision makers can be accomplished.
The Executive Board is organised in a system of work-sharing and specialization, therefore a more productive working environment can be created.
Optimized visibility of ECEC
The third strategy point of the ECEC is to enhance its visibility by creating a strong (online) presence. Therefore, the social media position of the ECEC will be optimized, as well as continuous updates of the ECEC website. More steps on improving the ECEC’s online presence are in planning.
International mobility of European Chartered Engineers
As a network for European Engineers, the ECEC attempts to get rid of boundaries for engineers working in Europe. This is done by developing tools for an easier access to cross-border activity, the ECEC therefore encourages agreements on methods for facilitating engineering services across borders.
Cooperation with other Engineering Organizations on the European and national/regional level
There are multiple representative organisations of European Engineers and therefore many opportunities for Engineers to gain recognition. To ensure the best possible visibility, development, and representation towards institutions and the public, the ECEC is working together with these other professional organisations, making common agreements, and cooperating in the organisation of common events such as the European Engineers’ Day. This has e.g., been implemented by the Cooperation Agreement between the ECEC and ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers).
Enlarging the scope of representation of the ECEC
The ECEC can assure the best possible representation of European Engineers by extending its memberships to even more full and associate members. Therefore, the ECEC has set out to approach new potential members that share the same goals and virtues. On top of this, the admission to the ECEC has many benefits that ought to be communicated in a clear manner.